Reinforced Concrete Constructions |
- Foundations (buildings, constructions, machines under dynamic loads, underground galleries, foundations of building cranes).
- Retaining walls, shoring of excavation.
- Supporting frame of buildings and constructions (up to 24storeys), including in seismic conditions.
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- Steel structures of buildings and constructions (frames of industrial buildings, crane tracks, towers, scaffolds, galleries for technological lines, process piping, cable racks), including in seismic conditions.
- Projects development (including non-standard options) for cranes and hoists mounting to the building.
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- Construction Arrangement Design Development (CADD).
- Projects development for installation, dismounting of tower cranes and construction site hoists, technological equipment, components and machinery.
- Development of Projects for Work Execution (DPWE) with the use of lifting devices (to wer and mobile cranes, construction site hoists).
- Work execution plan for the mobilization period of construction.
- Work execution plan on the main construction period.
- Work execution plan for certain types of work.
- Work execution plan for dismounting of buildings and constructions.
- Work execution plan for all types of construction and installation works.
- Development of new and adaptation of existing technological flowcharts in accordance with the requirements of national regulations and the situationat the facility.
- Development of process regulations.
- Projects preparation for appraisal and support in theperiod of examination.
- Review and analysis of structural and technological solution sused in the project.